Charles R. Kniker is a professor emeritus of education at Iowa State University and former staff member of the State of Iowa Board of Regents and author of mul- tiple books. As an ordained United Church of Christ minister and former president of Eden Seminary in Webster Groves, Missouri,, he has served congregations in six states. His book--Spirituality that Makes a Difference (2022) sums up his belief that all are called to engage with loving justice to make the world a more peaceful place.
Dianne Prichard recalls that when she was four years old, she had two visions of herself: as a pastor and as a farmer. When she realized she was a girl, the vision was lost to the prevailing culture of the time; however, she retained the traits of pastoring and farming. Both thrive on caring—caring for people, caring for the earth—and what else do we have besides people and earth? She has a penchant for seeing solutions within problems, from making Shakespeare fun (with sword fights and matchmaking) to organizing mask-making volunteers (250 volunteers delivered 11,000 masks during the COVID epidemic) to filing for office at the last minute (and winning) to saving democracy (this book). Like Charles, she served as a teacher (high school) and now serves as a preacher in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.